Monday, November 12, 2018

Sick of Antibiotics? Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Help!

A Chinese Medicine View of Antibiotics

Let me say this first: Antibiotics are one of the best things ever to happen to Western civilization. They’re extremely effective at killing bacteria, and saving lives. They’re just not so great at restoring you to complete health.
If you look at antibiotics from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the problem becomes clear: antibiotics resolve some, but not all, of the aspects of an infection. And, because they are such a strong medicine, they also leave the body just a little bit weakened.
Chinese medicine sees most infection as a combination of “heat” and “dampness.” Antibiotics are very effective at clearing the heat-related symptoms, but don’t do much at all to resolve dampness.
So symptoms like fever, sore throat, inflammation, and redness (all “heat” signs) usually get better with antibiotics, while “damp” signs remain — phlegm, a feeling of pressure or swollen tissues, nausea and loose stool, vaginal discharge, and feeling tired, weighed down or foggy-headed.
To add to the problem, the cold nature of the antibiotics is actually damaging to the Spleen, which is the organ system that helps the body clear dampness on its own. As a result, these symptoms hang around longer than they normally would, which further stresses the Spleen. And each successive round of antibiotics adds to the problem, making the condition more chronic.

Help From Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese medicine can help you avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics. And, in times when antibiotics are needed, it can help protect your body and assist you in recovering fully from antibiotic treatment. Here’s how:

Instead of Antibiotic Treatment

Chinese herbs work amazingly well for many situations where antibiotics are commonly used, including:
  • Sinus Infection
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Dysentery
Most herbalists, myself included, have successfully treated all these conditions with Chinese herbs — often in cases where repeated rounds of antibiotics have failed to clear up the infection.
Instead of one purified substance, Chinese herbal formulas are usually a combination of 5-15 different herbs, carefully balanced to protect the body from the harshness of heat-clearing herbs. The formula will also include herbs that build the body’s ability to fight infection and clear dampness on its own. 
As an added plus: herbal medicine does not create the same problems with drug resistance that antibiotics face.
Of course, if your symptoms are severe you should check with your doctor. Some situations definitely require immediate antibiotic therapy. I can help you decide when to consult with your doctor about this.

During Antibiotic Treatment

If you need to take antibiotics — there are plenty of situations where this is necessary! — Chinese medicine can help protect your system.
Along with the antibiotics, you can also take an herbal formula that strengthens and protects the Stomach and Spleen. There may also be ingredients to help clear dampness, which will not be resolved by the antibiotics alone.
These herbs will not interfere with the effectiveness of your medications, and will help you get back to your optimum level of health.

After Antibiotic Treatment

Herbal medicine can also help if you find yourself with a case of post-antibiotic, chronic low-level ick (that’s a technical term!), such as:
  • Chronic sinus congestion
  • Lingering fatigue, heaviness or fogginess
  • Recurrent sinus or bladder infections
  • Urinary urgency and pressure
  • Chronic yeast infection
  • Loose stool, bloating, or loss of appetite
This is where Chinese medicine really shines: at restoring health, not just fighting disease. Acupuncture and herbs can relieve symptoms, clear residual dampness and heat, and rebuild your body’s own defenses.
I’ve seen many, many people get back to the health they remember from before the cascade of infection and medication began. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about whether herbs can help in your situation!

Kathy E Thomas, AP


Monday, August 20, 2018

Got an "--ITIS" ?! It's all about inflammation!

Colitis, Arthritis, Dermatitis, Gingivitis...These disorders have the suffix right in the name: -itis, meaning "inflammation of" Other diseases/syndromes such as dementia, diabetes (type 2) obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver, allergy/respiratory conditions, etc. fall under the same category. What is inflammation, and what can be done about it?

Inflammation is the life-saving component of your immune system that helps fend off bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbial invaders. Without inflammation we would be sitting ducks in a very hostile world, with no way to repair the damage constantly inflicted on us.

If you hit your thumb with a hammer, the resulting swelling and inflammation is obvious, painful, and short lived. Your immune system sends white blood cells and other hormone-like substances to help start the healing process. Inflammation here serves a healthy purpose.

"Inflammation is your body's response to stress -- whether from your diet, lifestyle or environment," says a 2006 article by Body Ecology. "Think of what happens when you catch a cold. You may experience inflammation in the form of a fever as your body heats up to eradicate the effects of the invading virus."

Inflammation goes chronic when there is a persistent stimulus. The stimulus might come from an army of free radicals launched every day when we eat foods made with processed (hydrogenated) vegetable oils – French fries, fried food, non-fat dried milk, powdered coffee creamer, most salad dressings, crackers, cookies, chips, and other processed and convenience foods. The stimulus might be an allergy to wheat (gluten) which inflames the gut. Or a low-grade, lingering infection. Or a growing load of heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals. There is a lot of opportunity in today's contaminated, junk food-filled world for a combination of factors to constantly irritate the body's normal functions.

Chronic inflammation falls below the threshold of perceived pain. You don't think you feel sick, but a fire is quietly smoldering within you, upsetting the delicate balance among all of the major systems: endocrine, central nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular/respiratory. In a healthy body, these systems communicate with each another. With chronic inflammation, that communication becomes distorted.

Chronic inflammation feeds a smorgasbord of chronic diseases. If you don't have a chronic disease yourself, you know someone who does. An estimated 80 percent of visits to doctor's offices are for issues
• Persistent or recurring disease, usually affecting a person for three months or longer

• Generally triggered by diet and environmental contaminants

• Standard medicine believes such diseases can be managed but rarely cured

• Includes allergies, Alzheimer's, arthritis, asthma, cancer, COPD, Crohn's, chronic fatigue, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, emphysema, fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, Lyme, lupus, multiple sclerosis, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more
relating to chronic disease. The CDC tells us 7 of every 10 Americans die of a chronic disease.

Persistent, systemic inflammation is at the root of practically all known chronic health conditions, including everything from rheumatoid arthritis and high cholesterol to dementia and cancer. These conditions are not necessarily inevitable, and neither is chronic inflammation, but you have to know what lifestyle and dietary steps to take in order to avoid them, many of which are fairly simple and straightforward....

Transition away from inflammatory foods like sugar, refined carbs (pasta, chips, crackers, cookies...), and store-bought milk.

Drink plenty of clean, fluoride-free water - Pure, mineral-rich, alkaline water is the most basic, yet one of the most powerful, anti-inflammatories that you can feed your body. 

Eat plenty of fermented foods - Kombucha tea, kefir, sauerkraut, simple yogurt, fermented vegetables, and raw apple cider vinegar are all excellent examples of probiotic-rich superfoods that will help to populate your gut with beneficial bacteria, and ensure that your digestive tract remains healthy and well-functioning. Fermented foods and beverages also help prevent harmful pathogens from taking hold within the body. 

Cut out the carbs and omega-6 oils, and eat plenty of healthy, saturated fats - The average American doctor would probably cringe at this advice, but saturated fats like those found in butter and fat from grass-fed animals, as well as in coconut and palm oils, are actually beneficial for your health, while carbohydrates and oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids are heavy promoters of disease-causing inflammation. Your best bet is to skip the low-fat diet and start eating more healthy fats in combination with mineral and enzyme-rich whole foods.

Get plenty of natural sunlight exposure - The vitamin D hormone plays a critical role in regulating immune function, as well as preventing the onset of chronic illness. A powerful, natural anti-inflammatory, vitamin D is easily accessible through natural sunlight exposure or supplementation, and it is one of the most powerful interventions for deterring inflammation.

Want to make sure you are eating right for your body? Call me to schedule your No-Cost consultation now!

Kathy E Thomas
Lake Premier Wellness Acupuncture and Natural Medicine
1934 Salk Avenue, Tavares FL 32778

Friday, April 6, 2018

Allergy Relief...Naturally!

Allergies - Acupuncture Can Provide Relief

Allergies, seasonal or year round, are an ongoing problem for many individuals. Seasonal allergies typically affect people during a particular season or time of year. They are also referred to as outdoor allergies and are generally triggered by tree, grass and weed pollens or outdoor mold spores. Year round allergies also known as indoor allergies are typically brought on by animal dander, dust mites, mold spores or insect allergens. There are also food allergies, which occur as a result of eating a culprit food, and can also create physical and/or emotional symptoms such as body hives, swelling, itching or redness of the skin, depression and/or moodiness.
No matter what kind of allergy you suffer from, environmental or food related, acupuncture can provide needed relief. While medications (over-the-counter or prescribed) often come with unwanted side-effects, acupuncture does not. This makes acupuncture an appealing option for people looking for a new way to combat allergies.
According to Chinese medical theory, the symptoms and signs that indicate a Western diagnosis of allergies relate to imbalances in the meridian and Organ Systems of the body. These imbalances may stem from a variety of causes, including stress, poor diet, foods that don’t agree with your body, constitutional weakness, pollutants and environmental toxins.
Over time, if imbalances remain within the body, they will affect the functions of the Organ Systems. Some of these Organ Systems are involved in the production of Wei Qi (pronounced “way chee”). According to the theories of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, it is important to have the correct quality and quantity of Wei Qi circulating around the body in order to stay healthy.

What is Wei Qi?

What is Wei Qi? The Chinese concept of Wei Qi is similar to the Western concept of the immune system. Wei Qi functions to protect and defend the body against foreign substances, that if not caught can lead to allergies. When Wei Qi is strong and abundant, we remain healthy. When the supply of Wei Qi becomes deficient, health is compromised and we become vulnerable to foreign invaders such as dust, mold, animal dander, bacteria, viruses and pollen. People who have a Wei Qi deficiency are prone to allergies and frequent colds.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine support and strengthen the systems of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi. By building up the supply of Wei Qi, and facilitating the smooth and free flow of it through the body, symptoms and signs related to allergies could be greatly reduced or eliminated.

What will an Acupuncturist do?

What will an acupuncturist do? An acupuncturist will conduct a thorough exam, taking a complete health history. He/She will then develop a unique treatment plan that will address your specific concerns. The goals of the treatment plan will be to eliminate visible symptoms and signs, while addressing the root cause(s) and underlying imbalances affecting the quality and quantity of Wei Qi.
Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbs, dietary changes, massage (tuina), or exercise. These therapies accelerate the healing process in order to balance, build, and support the health and functioning of your body’s systems.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a drug-free, safe, natural and effective way to eliminate hay fever, allergies or the common cold.


Allergies according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Allergies according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be due to a variety of factors. Below are some of the more common TCM diagnoses that your acupuncturist may discover and treat.
 Wei Qi deficiency
 Spleen weakness
 Kidney deficiency
 Lung deficiency

Seasonal allergy tips:
1. Flush your nose with a Neti pot.
2. Add spicy foods and omega-3’s to your diet.
3. Keep your windows closed during allergy season to prevent dust and pollen from entering.
4. Put on a dust mask when you are doing yard or house work.
5. Do not hang your clothes out to dry in the sun, as they will gather dust, mold and pollen.
6. Come in for an acupuncture tune-up.

If you suffer from food allergies:
1. See an allergist and get tested for a proper diagnosis of a food allergy.
2. Avoid the foods that cause your reaction.
3. Peanuts, the proteins in cow’s milk, shellfish, tree nuts, fish, eggs, gluten, wheat and soy are the most common food allergens.
4. It is possible to outgrow some food allergies.
5. Ask about ingredients at restaurants or when eating food prepared by another person.

6. Read food labels carefully.

I look forward to helping you or someone you care about to resolve environmental allergies through Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Kathy E Thomas, AP, MSOM
Lake Premier Wellness Acupuncture and Natural Medicine
1934 Salk Avenue, Tavares FL 32778

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chinese Medicine and Women's Health

What are some unique needs of women that Traditional Chinese Medicine can meet?
Irregular, Absent, Heavy, or Painful Menstruation
Endometriosis, PCOS, and Uterine Fibroids
Fertility Issues
Chronic Bladder Infection and Urinary Incontinence
Complications from Pregnancy (back pain, nausea, constipation, heartburn, fatigue, anxiety...)
Breech Presentations
Labor & Delivery
How Can Acupuncture Help?
The many stresses of modern-day life can easily upset a women’s delicate hormonal and physiological balance. This can cause a multitude of symptoms and discomforts ranging from painful, irregular periods in the early years, to abnormal flow, irritability, depression, and insomnia in the later years, to hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, and depression during the menopausal years. In addition, many women suffer from the severe pain and heavy bleeding associated with endometriosis, fibroids, or cysts, while others experience periods that are either too long, or too short, or completely absent. Quite a few women who seem to have normal cycles and few or none of the above problems, find that, inexplicably, they are unable to get pregnant. In all these situations, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine, has a long history of bringing harmony and balance to a disrupted cycle.
Symptoms, such as nausea, constipation, cramping, acne, backache, breast swelling and tenderness, headache, bloating and mood swings, among others, a few days prior to menstruation are so wide-spread, especially among young women, that they are seen as a normal consequence of the monthly cycle. Even women, who suffer debilitating pain, often go no further than an over-the-counter pain medication to find relief. Yet, painful periods are not normal and if not addressed, might lead to even more complicated problems down the line. Although the underlying causes for painful periods are many and may vary greatly among individuals, from a Chinese medicine point of view, they are almost always related to some form of energetic blockage or deficiency, both of which are easily addressed with acupuncture, herbs, and, often, dietary changes. Sometimes only a few sessions are needed to resolve the issue and eliminate the need for pain medication, while occasional “tune-ups” may prevent recurrence of symptoms. Many women find acupuncture for PMS to be an overall calming and restorative experience.
Irregular Periods, Abnormal Bleeding
Chronic menstrual problems can take many forms and present a more complicated picture. Although we define a normal cycle as being 28 days in length, many women do not fit this pattern. Cycles as short as 21 or as long as 35 days may be normal for some women, as long as they are regular and consistent. Problems arise if a cycle shifts drastically from month to month or if periods are missed altogether. The same can be said for the duration of a cycle. Normal is seen as 4-5 days, yet for some women, it can last as long as six or seven days or be as short as three. What is important, is consistency. Longer cycles with a continuously heavy, perhaps clotty flow, requiring frequent change of tampon or sanitary napkins, might be an indication of a more serious, underlying problem, while pale and scanty flow with spotting between periods would also warrant a closer look.
Irregular periods and abnormal bleeding can have a multitude of causes and should definitely be evaluated by a Western physician, so that serious diseases can be ruled out. However, Chinese medicine has been able to bring relief in many complicated situations as well. Endometriosis, fibroid tumors, and ovarian cysts, for example, respond well to an acupuncture and herbal protocol. Heavy, scant or continuous flow can also be normalized using acupuncture. In fact, Chinese medicine, which is safe, effective and without side-effects, would be a good first-course to take, before more serious medical intervention, such as drugs, hormone therapy, or surgery is employed.
At no time in a women’s life is the harmony and balance of the hormonal system more important than during pregnancy. Here, Chinese medicine has much to offer, for both the mother and the developing baby. Acupuncture, alone, has a long history of relieving the symptoms of morning sickness, such as nausea and vomiting, tiredness, poor appetite and depression, and it can also bring relief to the mental restlessness, anxiety and insomnia that plague many women during the later stages. Through the regular use of acupuncture, some of the more serious complications associated with late-stage pregnancy, such as hypertension, dizziness, and oedema, might even be prevented.
However, in Chinese medicine, the management of mother and baby during pregnancy is not just about achieving hormonal balance and alleviating symptoms; it is about achieving and maintaining an optimal level of health by also considering nutritional and life-style factors. The level of the mother’s health during pregnancy translates, quite directly, into the ease of delivery and subsequent health of the baby. The judicious use of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine after childbirth can be most helpful in restoring the mother’s energy, insure a sufficient supply of milk, and prevent insomnia and depression.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness has always plagued women, some much worse than others. While the majority of women can suffer through the phase until it passes others need help because they have a particularly bad or lengthy case of morning sickness. Many of the medications do not work for some women or are very expensive so doctors and patients have long been searching for alternative approaches to help relieve the nausea and vomiting that makes morning sickness so hard to live with. Acupuncture has been one of the best techniques found to naturally do away with or lessen the symptoms of morning sickness. Not only is acupuncture natural, it is something that will not affect the mother or the baby in anything but positive ways.
Menopause is the point at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases, indicating the end of fertility. It is a natural progression in life, and despite its many annoying or even debilitating symptoms, not a disease. For most women, hormone production begins to slow down when they reach their thirties and continuous to diminish as they age. During this period of “perimenopause” few women have any symptoms, although for some, brief intervals of anxiety, heart palpitations dry skin, fatigue, decreased interest in sex, insomnia and irritability, may occur. On the threshold of actual menopause, the complete cessation menstruation for at least 12 months, these symptoms may increase in frequency and intensity. Hot flushes, night sweats, bouts of anxiety, depression, as well as insomnia and mood swings are probably the most frequent complaints during this time. Western medicine treats these symptoms primarily as arising from a hormone deficiency and tries to alleviate them by supplying the missing estrogens. This, however, is ultimately not really helpful, as it not only interferes with the body’s attempts at finding its own, new hormonal balance, but can bring about a cascade of side-effects that can result in serious disease. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine with its ultimate goal of harmony and balance, offer a simpler, safer, yet highly effective approach to these symptoms, especially excessive sweating, insomnia and anxiety. Furthermore, by stimulating the body to regain its balance within these new and greatly altered hormonal levels, Chinese medicine can help women to not only move through this transition with ease, but also to maintain a high level of overall health. This increased sense of wellbeing may make a woman’s “golden” years truly “golden.”
Difficulty conceiving or maintaing a pregnancy are reasons for which many women (and men) are turning to alternative practitioners. There are several reasons for this. Women in general are more likely to take advantage of alternative practitioners. Infertility is a condition that crosses into every aspect of a person’s life- physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Conventional medicine generally only addresses the physical aspect. Many women want to exhaust all options before going to powerful medications or invasive surgical procedures. And finally for all of conventional medicine’s successes, as many as 50% of couples facing infertility are not helped by conventional technology.
Breech Baby
The turning of breech babies using moxibustion from week 33 onwards is a successful and natural method to avoid medical intervention. The success rates are as high as 81% in turning a breech baby. Even women with a very late diagnosis of breech presentation have found that their babies have turned with the use of moxibustion and/or acupuncture.
Moxibustion involves burning a fragrant herb in the form of a moxa stick over one acupuncture point on the feet to relax the muscles in the uterus allowing the baby to turn.
It is extremely safe and relaxing and the great benefit of this treatment is that you can continue the treatment with your partner or friend in the comfort of your own home once we have taught you the technique and frequency of treatment.
How can I assist you or someone you care about in living your best life?...
Kathy E Thomas, 352-323-0795