Ok, folks, it is that time again. Time to make some New Years Resolutions and try to stick to them. Guess what? Acupuncture just might be able to help. Here are some of the most common resolutions that people make, and how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help you keep them all year long!
Get in Shape.
One of the most common resolutions Americans make each year is to exercise more. Because acupuncture looks at the whole body, it can help you in this endeavor in multiple ways. On a physical level, acupuncture is a great treatment for sore muscles or joint pain following a hard work-out – the kind of pain that may prevent you from sticking to your work-out regimen. It can also be used to increase athletic performance, aid in recovery from work-outs, and support structural alignment, along with Chiropractic care. On a mental/emotional level, acupuncture can help with motivation. Probably the most common reason that people slack off from an exercise routine is a lack of motivation or feeling too busy/overwhelmed. (Ironically, the best thing to help unstick energy is…exercise!) Acupuncture seeks to rebalance the hormones and neurotransmitters in the body, which gets us unstuck on a mental-emotional level, too.
Quit Smoking.
The benefits of acupuncture in the process of quitting smoking are well-documented. While not a magic pill, acupuncture helps the body to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal and helps treat the anxiety and cravings that one experiences when quitting smoking. Acupuncture treatments for smoking cessation usually involve a well-known ear acupuncture protocol that helps the body, mind, and spirit through this transition. We also begin the process of repairing your cardiovascular system, damaged by smoking.
Quit Drinking.
Like smoking cessation, acupuncture can help with other addictive behaviors, too. Perhaps the most common we see in clinic is for support while quitting drinking. Acupuncture is actually utilized in many Western medical detox clinics because of its positive effects on helping to manage symptoms of detox, reduce cravings, and promote calm and relaxation.
Lose Weight.
I get calls all the time asking if acupuncture can help with weight loss. And the answer is yes. However, it is not magic, and it is often something that happens over time, along with behavior modifications on the patient’s end. That said, acupuncture can help with weight loss in the following ways:
- Help to regulate metabolism to ensure your body is processing food effectively.
- Help to balance hormones in situations where hormonal imbalance (hypothyroid, PCOS,menopause, etc) is tied to weight gain.
- Increase motivation (see above) to help patients stick to exercise routines.
- Reduce cravings and regulate appetite to aid patients in making healthy eating choices.
Be more organized.
This might not sound like a healthcare issue, but because acupuncture seeks to understand how all aspects of a person are functioning together, helping you to be more organized is actually something that acupuncture can do. An acupuncturist will work to understand what energy system is causing someone to have trouble staying organized – it is a difficulty focusing on a task? Is it a problem with seeing things in terms of categories and what needs to get done? Is it a problem of feeling easily overwhelmed and unsure of where to start? Each of these aspects points to an imbalance in a unique energy system in Traditional Chinese Medicine. By supporting the body’s natural ability to better take care of itself, often we see significant changes in how the mind is able to organize, focus, and get things done. This is a situation where Chinese Herbal Medicine can also be very helpful.
Spend more time with family and friends.
Enjoy life more.
Most patients feel good after acupuncture. Clinically, acupuncture is used frequently as a supportive treatment for people with depression, anxiety, panic disorders, eating disorders, and other psychological disorders. For all of us, acupuncture can help you be in a better mood, be less anxious, worry less, and have a more positive outlook.
Save money.
Ok, this one is a little harder, given the fact that acupuncture, for most people in Florida, is an out-of-pocket expense. (Which hopefully will change in the coming years as insurance companies start to cover acupuncture more and more.) That said, Americans pour millions into medical expenses. In the long-run, spending money to maintain a better state of health now could save you money in the long-term.
Try something new!
Have you ever tried acupuncture before? Have you ever been asked to understand yourself in a completely new way? Acupuncture presents a very different way of understanding the body and the world than most of us grow up with. And it is a new experience for many to think of wellness in the terms of health-care rather than sick-care. To aim for a lifestyle of wellness first, before something goes wrong.
How can I help YOU or someone you care about this year?
Kathy E Thomas
Lake Premier Wellness Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
2430 South Bay Street, Eustis, FL 32726
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